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Aqa lit b coursework

Aqa lit b coursework

aqa lit b coursework

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AQA | Teaching guide: Non-exam assessment

This website works best with JavaScript switched on. Please enable JavaScript. This resource provides guidance on the non-exam assessment NEA requirements for A-level English Literature B, and should be read in conjunction with the NEA requirements set out in the specification.

It develops and exemplifies the requirements, but is wholly consistent with them. Sample student responses accompany this guidance.

The purpose of this component is for students to explore aspects of their chosen prose and poetry texts through the lens of different critical ideas and for them to engage with the notion that meanings in literature are not fixed and are influenced by many external factors that may be brought to bear on texts. This area of the course provides a challenging and wide-ranging opportunity for an introduction to different ways of reading and for independent study.

The introduction to the NEA should provide students with a detailed review of the above requirements and guidance on what it means to work independently e, aqa lit b coursework.

productive research skills, effective time management. The point at which students begin their Aqa lit b coursework preparation will depend on individual school and college decisions. Schools and colleges may aim to introduce the NEA in the first year of the course. An appropriate opportunity would be the six weeks which follow the completion of AS examinations but other times will be available, especially where schools and colleges are not entering their students for AS.

Schools and colleges will differ in how they approach the NEA and this may be dependent upon whether:. These approaches are equally valid and take account of the different contexts in which schools and colleges will be working, aqa lit b coursework.

What is important is that each approach recognises that a degree of autonomy in student text and task choice is required. Ideally a range of differentiated texts and tasks will be seen across a submission for this component. Students will, however, choose their texts and shape their tasks with your support and you will be supported by your NEA Advisor and the following offers you some guidance on how to help your students make these choices, aqa lit b coursework. This component is supported by the AQA critical anthology, which has accessible extracts on a range of theoretical ideas.

The six sections in the critical anthology encourage students to think about how literature might reflect and be affected by ideas about:. Obviously teachers will have to decide how the critical anthology will be introduced. Ideally, the theoretical material should aqa lit b coursework used to support and inform the reading of all texts studied during the whole course. If this is done, students will have gained a solid understanding of how texts can be interpreted in multiple ways thereby enabling them to arrive at their own interpretations and become confident autonomous readers.

If students are not introduced to theoretical material prior to their NEA study, teachers will need to ensure that they are helped in their reading of the chosen sections of the critical anthology, from which students can choose critical views to apply. By studying these critical theories, they will see how meanings in texts can be laid open for negotiation and debate and students may choose to read beyond the extracts provided in the critical anthology.

The NEA component allows students and teachers much more freedom in the choice of texts than the examined components and so enables the aptitudes and interests of students to be taken into account when texts are being selected.

When supporting students with their choice of texts, the following guidance is useful:. We encourage schools and colleges to check task titles with their AQA NEA Adviser before students embark on their research, especially where there may be some uncertainty about the appropriateness of texts or the approach being taken. Of the two pieces of writing that make up the final folder, one must be a conventional response, of which examination essays are aqa lit b coursework, but the other can be a re-creative piece if the student so wishes.

The re-creative option requires a different approach and could provide more enjoyment and challenge. However, it is perfectly acceptable to produce two conventional pieces of work. The conventional piece could be presented in the form of literary journalism if the student so wishes, so long as it meets all the criteria. What is important, aqa lit b coursework, given that the NEA assesses all five assessment objectives AOsis that each task must allow access to them all.

Students should be familiar with this concept by the time they approach the NEA as all AOs are tested in all questions in the examined components 1 and 2. The exemplar NEA responses are good examples of how access to all AOs is enabled by the task and the moderator commentary explains how the AOs have been addressed by the student. A conventional essay will focus on debate and invite students to explore potential meanings in a literary text using critical theories and ideas.

As with the examination questions, aqa lit b coursework, tasks need to address the assessment objectives, but with NEA there can be more flexible approaches, aqa lit b coursework. Students should know their NEA text well so that they can discuss method in an explicit way, and can make judicious choices in their selection of supporting material.

Given that the text being written about in this exemplar response is a novel, the discussion will be on narrative method. Comment on characterisation, sequencing, structure, voices, settings and language should be woven into the argument. It is worth considering how key terms in the exemplar task wording enable different AOs to be accessed:. Using ideas from the critical anthology to inform your argument, to what extent do you agree with this view?

AO1 : Articulate informed, personal and creative responses to literary texts, using associated concepts and terminology, and coherent, aqa lit b coursework, accurate written expression. AO3 : Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received. AO4 is targeted by the requirement to refer to the critical anthology, which is itself another text. In debating the extent to which A Clockwork Orange is a protest novel about the powerlessness of human beings against ruthless autocratic governments, the student will directly engage with different interpretations, aqa lit b coursework.

A re-creative response, supported by a commentary, allows students to explore aspects of a text and its potential meanings while at the same time experience enjoyment in the creative aspects of their task. The purpose of a re-creative response is to offer a critical reading of the base text that has been informed by working with the critical anthology. New light can be shed on a text and its potential ambiguities by re-creating part of it through a new voice and genre. There is no requirement for students to replicate the form and language of the chosen base text, but the selection of narrative voice matters.

It is often far more enlightening and interesting to present the point of view of a character who is at times marginalised as a voice in the base text. The re-creative piece has to be accompanied by a commentary in which the student needs to establish a clear connection between the re-creative piece, the base text and the relevant section of the critical anthology, aqa lit b coursework.

The commentary should illustrate the significant choices that the student has made in the production of the re-creative piece accompanied by an explanation of how those choices have led to a critical reading. Both the re-creative piece and the commentary need to be incorporated in the word count. An equal word count between re-creative piece and commentary is not expected.

The relative word count will depend upon the form of the re-creative piece and the detail needed in the commentary. The exemplar re-creative NEA responses exemplify these points. The unpacking of the assessment objectives in the re-creative task is slightly different in that there are two pieces of writing to consider: the re-creative piece itself and the commentary.

It aqa lit b coursework worth considering how key terms in the wording of the task in exemplar student response A enable different AOs to be accessed:. AO1 will be assessed across both the monologue and the commentary, where the latter will invite the use of critical concepts and terminology.

From the task it is clear that the student would need to demonstrate, in both the re-creative piece and in the commentary, an understanding of how monologues work in terms of structure, language and of voice. Focusing on his words as fiction and offering alternative words invites discussion of literary contexts, aqa lit b coursework.

The requirement to refer to the critical anthology will explicitly address AO4. In writing about monologues students will be showing their understanding of how the form aqa lit b coursework and implicitly be connecting with other aqa lit b coursework. AO5 will be focused on in the commentary as the student reflects on different possible readings from the critical anthology and how these open up different interpretations.

Having completed the study of their chosen texts, researched critical theories and devised an appropriate task, students will need guidance on how to pull their ideas together into a coherent response.

Some key points to note are:. It is worthwhile emphasising that the teacher must confirm that each essay submitted is the work of the individual student. The JCQ Joint Council for Qualifications document Instructions for conducting coursework provides further guidance about the level of support and aqa lit b coursework that is appropriate for teachers to provide to students. In accordance with JCQ guidance, the following support would not be acceptable:.

The role and responsibilities of teachers in submitting marks are set out in Section 6. Please note that a mark out of 50 is required. This means that the mark you award against the assessment criteria for each response, which will be out of 25, aqa lit b coursework, should be added together and entered onto the candidate record form, before submitting marks to AQA.

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Specifications that use this resource: AS and A-level English Literature B ; Theory and independence This resource provides guidance on the non-exam assessment NEA requirements for A-level English Literature B, and should be read in conjunction with the NEA requirements set out in the specification.

It is possible to submit two conventional responses. The word count for each response is 1, words not including quotations The tasks must be worded so that they give access to all five assessment objectives One of the texts must be a poetry text and the other must be prose Set texts listed for study in both A-level examination components, Literary genres and Texts and genres, cannot be used for NEA Poetry texts must be as substantial as a novel or a play.

A poetry text could be either one longer narrative poem or a single authored collection of shorter poems. A discrete Chaucer Tale would be suitable as a text for study, as would a poem such as The Rape of the Lock.

If students are using a collection of short poems for a conventional response, they must have studied the whole text and select at least two poems to write about in detail as examples of the wider collection Single authored collections of short stories are permissible. If students are using a collection of short stories for a conventional response, they must have studied the whole text and select at least two stories to write about in detail as examples of the wider collection For re-creative tasks, where collections of poetry or short stories are used, students must have studied the whole text.

Students will choose an appropriate part of the base text as the focus for their re-creative piece, and thus it is acceptable to focus on a single short story or poem.

Texts in translation, that have been influential and significant in the development of literature in English, aqa lit b coursework be used. Managing the NEA The introduction to the NEA should provide students with a detailed review of the above requirements and guidance on what it means to work independently e.

The critical anthology This component is supported by the AQA critical anthology, aqa lit b coursework, which has aqa lit b coursework extracts on a range of theoretical ideas. The six sections in the critical anthology encourage students to think about how literature might reflect and be affected by ideas about: narrative construction and how the texts work Narrative theory gender Feminist theory economics and social organisation Marxist theory nature and the survival of the planet Eco-critical theory nationality, identity and power Post-colonial theory aesthetics and value Literary value and the Canon Obviously teachers will have to decide how the critical anthology will be introduced.

Advice on text choice The NEA component allows students and teachers much more freedom in the choice of texts than the examined components and so enables the aptitudes and interests of students to be taken into account when texts are aqa lit b coursework selected.

Remember, however, that the A-level set texts cannot be aqa lit b coursework in NEA. texts chosen for study must maximise opportunities for writing with reference to the AQA critical anthology texts must allow access to a range of critical views and interpretations, including over time in the conventional response, which students can evaluate and apply autonomously.

Advice on task choice We encourage schools and colleges to check task titles with their AQA NEA Adviser before students embark on their research, especially where there may be some uncertainty about the appropriateness of texts or the approach being taken.

The conventional response A conventional essay will focus on debate and invite students to explore potential meanings in a literary text using critical theories and ideas, aqa lit b coursework.

AO2 : Analyse ways in which meanings are shaped in literary texts. AO4 : Explore connections across literary texts. AO5 : Explore literary texts informed by different interpretations.

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AQA Lit B Coursework: Larkin( whitsun weddings)- Marxist Perspective | Teaching Resources

aqa lit b coursework

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