Thursday, October 7, 2021

Clinical psychology dissertation

Clinical psychology dissertation

clinical psychology dissertation

Theses/Dissertations from Analyzing the Use of a Montessori-Based Activity & Its Effect on Engagement & Affect in Persons with Dementia: A Replication Study, Emilee J. Andersen. The Effects of Therapist Expertise and Concerns of Involuntary Hospitalization on the Disclosure of Suicidal Ideations and Behavior, Zane Hensel. Therapist Multicultural Orientation: Client Perceptions of Cultural The purpose of this handbook is to describe the dissertation, which is the culminating scholarly endeavor for students earning a Doctorate in Psychology (Psy.D.) at Pacifica Graduate Institute. The handbook addresses two distinctive but related aspects of the dissertation at Pacifica Theses/Dissertations from PDF. Two Tongues for a Dream: A Hermeneutic Study, Marta Bachino (Fall ) Levinasian Ethics in Clinical Psychology: The Attitude of

Clinical Psychology Theses | Psychology Department | Minnesota State University, Mankato

This collection contains open access and campus access dissertations, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

The full content of open access dissertations is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access dissertations is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. The Power of Friendships: Associations Between Friendship Quality, Satisfaction, and Well-Being for Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderMelanie S.

A Longitudinal Investigation of First-Generation College Students' Mentoring Relationships during their Transition to Higher Educationclinical psychology dissertation, Matthew A. My Wounds Matter Too: Associations Among Distress, Emotion Regulation, Autism Symptomology, and Self-Harm Functions Among Young Adults with ASDSarah Levinson. Cross-Age Peer Mentoring: A Meta-AnalysisSamantha Burton, clinical psychology dissertation.

The Experience of Misgendering Among Trans and Gender Diverse PeopleHamish A. Assessing Mental Health Provider Bias Toward Clients with Understudied Marginalized Sexual Identities and PracticesCara Herbitter. The Effectiveness of a Mindfulness, Acceptance, Valued Action, and Flexible Coping Intervention for Race-Based Stress on Momentary Coping and Distress Symptomsclinical psychology dissertation, Jennifer Honculada Martinez. Responsibility Development in Young Men in Postsecondary Settings: Construct Structure and Contextual InfluencesGabriel M.

Garza Sada. A Process for Change: A Grounded Theory Investigation of Participatory Action Research as clinical psychology dissertation Means for Countering Mental Illness Stigma Experienced by Transition-Aged Black YouthJacqueline G. Dismantling an Intervention Aimed at Increasing White People's Knowledge and Understanding of Racial Justice IssuesAlissa L. The Role of Narrative Coherence and Parental Scaffolding in Buffering the Effects of Domestic Violence ExposureShirley Poyau.

Latino Immigrant Youth Development in Anti-Immigrant Contexts: Exploring Adaptive Cultures as Resources Promoting Competencies and WellnessDarcy Alcantara. Treatment Engagement and Client Competence in CBT for Social Anxiety DisorderAmber L. Diagnostic Stability of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Young Children with Diverse BackgroundsIvy Giserman Kiss.

Examining the Moderating Role of Internalized Racism on the Relation Between Racism-Related Stress and Mental Health in Asian AmericansDanielle Godon-Decoteau. Mental Health Literacy and Stigma among Recently Returning Veterans: Cultural Correlates, Mutability, clinical psychology dissertation, and Relations with Healthcare UtilizationSarah Krill Williston.

The Impact of Individual and Parental Confucian Attitudes on Mental Illness Stigma and Help Seeking Attitudes Among Asian Americans from Confucian CulturesCharles M.

Encouraging Toddlers with ASD to Request: An Exploration of Expectant Pausing and Engagement StrategiesMelissa P. Does Mindfulness Support Empathy? Exploring Perceived External Control as a Transdiagnostic Cognitive Process in Anxiety Disorders and the Investigation of a Brief Acceptance InterventionLauren P.

Mentoring as a Protective Factor for Youth with a History of Interpersonal Trauma ExposureElyssa Briann Weber. An Exploration of Mentoring Functions in the Context of Parental RelationshipsLaura A.

Yoviene Sykes. The Challenge of Social Mobility: Habitus among Low-Income and Working-Class Students in Higher EducationJ. Anna Bell, clinical psychology dissertation. Risk, Resilience, Recovery: In Search of the Protective Factors of Mental HealthVictoria Choate Hasler.

Cognitive Aspects of Children's Experience of Clinical psychology dissertation DisadvantageAmy E. Mothering Values of Black Student Mothers: A Grounded Theory AnalysisSara A. Asian American Women Leaders' Strategies for Negotiating Intersectional Discrimination Related to Racism and SexismFanny Ng.

Young Children's Emotion Vocabulary and the Potential Influence on Emotion Regulation AbilityMarisa Murphy O'Boyle. Determined Wellness: The Influence of Mental Illness Models Upon Treatment Outcome Expectancies and Treatment EngagementFrancisco I. Self-Reported Sexuality among Women with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder ASDHillary Hurst Bush. The Power in the Pattern: Relationships between Out-of-School Time Activity Participation Profiles and Civic Engagement in YouthMelody Joy Blass Fisher.

The Influence of Mentor-Youth Activity Profiles on School-Based Youth Mentoring Relationship Processes and OutcomesStella S. Experiences of Trust in Longer-Lasting Formal Youth Mentoring Relationships clinical psychology dissertation, Michelle Levine. Exploring the Effects of Cultural Protective Factors on Infant Development and Maternal Well-Being: A Transnational Study of Brazilian Mothers and Their Infants Living In Massachusetts and Minas GeraisFernanda Lucchese.

The Relationship to Internal Experiences Scale RIES : The Development and Validation of a Self-Report Measure of Cognitive Fusion and DecenteringShannon M. Patterns of Interaction within Parent-Child Dyads Affected by OCD and AnxietyCatherine Kraper.

Cultural Adaptation of In-Home, Community-Based Mental Health Services for Ethnic Minority Children and Families: Exploring Clinician and Family Perspectives on Effective CareEsroruleh Tamim Mohammad. In the Face of Adversity: Valued Living and Decentering as Buffering Factors in the Relations Among Social Disadvantage, Psychological Distress, Drinking to Cope and Problem DrinkingLucas P.

The Intersectionality of Racism and Sexism for Asian American WomenShruti Mukkamala. Identifying Sensory Symptoms as a Diagnostic Indicator of Autism Spectrum DisorderTimothy W. Individual and Dyadic Analysis of Cardiac Profiles in Response to Stress in a Longitudinal Sample of Infant-Mother DyadsAkhila Venkatachalam Sravish.

Palestinian Refugee Family Trees of Resilience: Intergenerational Cultivation of Resistance, Return, and Perseverance, in Response to Israel State Violence and OccupationDevin G. The Relationship between Mental Health and Young Children's Academic Development: What We Can Learn From a National Sample of At-Risk Chilean ChildrenKatia M.

Understanding the Impact of Violence on Early LanguageDanielle Forbes. The Psychological and Social Processes through which Internalized Heterosexism Influences Psychological Distress in Sexual MinoritiesJulia A. Black Beauty, White Standards: Impacts on Black Women and Resources for Resistance and ResilienceSpeshal T.

Experiences of Latina First Generation College Students: Exploring Resources Supporting the Balancing of Academic Pursuits and Family LifeHercilia B. Racism and Anxiety in a Black American Sample: The Role of Mediators and a Clinical psychology dissertation Mindfulness ManipulationJessica Rose Graham. The Impact of Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Problems on Behavioral Dysregulation in a College Student Sample: An Investigation of the Mediating Role of MentalizingKelly Graling.

The Role of Caregiver Insight in Young Children's Violence Exposure: Testing a Relational Model of Risk and ResilienceSarah A. Understanding Ethnic-Racial Socialization and Cognition among Multiracial Youth: A Mixed Methods StudySusan A.

Lambe Sarinana. Targeted Prevention of Childhood Anxiety: Engaging Parents in an Underserved CommunityNicholas D, clinical psychology dissertation.

Maternal Self-Efficacy and Perceived Stigma Among Mothers of Children with ASD, ADHD, and Typically Developing ChildrenSara D.

Youth Initiated Mentoring: Investigating a New Approach to Working with Vulnerable AdolescentsSarah E. The Influences of Social Identities and Resource Competition on Blacks' and Asians' Social Distance: A Virtual World MethodJohn Tawa. Latino Immigrants' Clinical psychology dissertation to Immigration Policy and Enforcement: Strengths and Resources Promoting Empowerment clinical psychology dissertation Wellness in an Urban SettingCeleste Atallah-Gutiérrez, clinical psychology dissertation.

Measuring Exposure in Natural Disaster: A Clinical psychology dissertation, an Integrative Data Analysis, and a Multi-Wave Longitudinal Study of Hurricane Katrina SurvivorsChristian S. The Role of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in the Relationship between Experiences of TraumaKathleen Sullivan Kalill. Objectification Theory and Sexual Health among WomenKara Lustig. Bereavement among Urban University Students: The Role of Meaning Making in Adjustment to LossRebecca L.

The Impact of Mindfulness on Exposure and Extinction Processes in Social AnxietyMichael Treanor. The Role of Men's Friendships in Psychological Distress, Fear of Emotions, and Adherence to Masculine Role NormsLiza Zwiebach. Exploring Predictors of Well-Being after Exposure to Inter-Caregiver Aggression in Childhood: Examining the Role of Emotional Support and Emotional and Cognitive ProcessingCara Fuchs.

The Social Negotiation of Clinical psychology dissertation In-Between Stigmatized Identities: Investigating Identity Processes in Multiracial and Bisexual PeopleVali Dagmar Kahn, clinical psychology dissertation. Trajectories of Psychological Distress among Low-Income, Female Survivors of Hurricane KatrinaSarah Ryan Lowe.

The Ecology of Cognitive Training and AgingAnya Potter. Expanding a Model of Female Heterosexual Coercion: Are Sexually Coercive Women Hyperfeminine? Developing an Anti-Racist Stance: How White Youth Understand Structural RacismCatharine R.

Functioning in the Face of Racism and its Uncertainties: The Potential Buffering Role of Values Clarification and Values Consistency in a Black American SampleLindsey Michelle West.

The Expression of Nonviolence in Communication and its Relation to Physical and Mental Health: Development and Validation of a Coding System for Measuring the Expression of Nonviolence in Communication between Intimate Partners in Conflict SituationsLissa Brett Young. Understanding Revictimization: The Impact of Emotion Suppression, Acceptance, and PTSD Symptomatology on Risk Detection Abilities in Sexual Assault SurvivorsHeidi M, clinical psychology dissertation.

Psychosis-Proneness, Mindfulness, and Positive Emotional Experience: Examining Correlational and Causal RelationshipsShannon Marie Clinical psychology dissertation. Unattainable Beauty: An Analysis of the Role of Body Shame and Self-Objectification in Hopelessness Depression among College-Age WomenMeredith A.

Neuropsychological and Personality Predictors of Competence to Stand Trial: A Social Cognitive Perspectiveclinical psychology dissertation, Kristy L. Coping with Acquired Brain Injury through an Asian American Lens: Interrelationships between Collectivistic Coping and Psychosocial Outcomesclinical psychology dissertation, Patricia Happy Lee.

Couples' Joint Activity and Perceived Relationship Quality: Exploring the Comparative Effects of Joint Community Service vs. PlayMichael J. Alternative Medicine and Mental Health: A Clinical Trial of Homeopathic Treatment for DepressionFabiana G. Shame, Anger, and Perpetration Outcomes in Male Survivors of Childhood AbuseAdam C.

Perceptions of Emotional Autonomy, Teenage Pregnancy, and Mother-Daughter Relationships among African American Mothers and Daughtersclinical psychology dissertation, Michelle Deaneen Owens. Advanced Search. Home About FAQ My Account Accessibility Statement. Privacy Copyright, clinical psychology dissertation. Skip to main content. ScholarWorks clinical psychology dissertation UMass Boston. My Account FAQ About Clinical psychology dissertation. Clinical Psychology Dissertations Collection.

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PhD Dissertation Defense - Marissa Nichols - UNLV Educational Psychology \u0026 Higher Education

, time: 53:32

Clinical Psychology Dissertations | Department of Psychology | Duquesne University

clinical psychology dissertation

When choosing your topic for your clinical psychology dissertation look into these five options: Writing about a particular clinical experience (e.g. sports psychologist, the psychology of hypnosis in athletics, Studying the demographics of a specific population or part of the world (e.g Theses/Dissertations from Analyzing the Use of a Montessori-Based Activity & Its Effect on Engagement & Affect in Persons with Dementia: A Replication Study, Emilee J. Andersen. The Effects of Therapist Expertise and Concerns of Involuntary Hospitalization on the Disclosure of Suicidal Ideations and Behavior, Zane Hensel. Therapist Multicultural Orientation: Client Perceptions of Cultural The purpose of this handbook is to describe the dissertation, which is the culminating scholarly endeavor for students earning a Doctorate in Psychology (Psy.D.) at Pacifica Graduate Institute. The handbook addresses two distinctive but related aspects of the dissertation at Pacifica

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