Thursday, October 7, 2021

My hobby short paragraph in english

My hobby short paragraph in english

my hobby short paragraph in english

My Hobby Essay in English. Hobbies play an important part in our life. They keep us busy in spare hours and make life happy. They make us forget our worries and give us inspiration. They make life interesting and pleasant. They give us energy and teach us the dignity of labour. All hobbies are useful in one way or the other  · I love my hobby reading of books. I love reading whatever I can get my hands on. Reading is a good hobby because it helps me to learn a lot of things. I read a lot of books; fiction, non-fiction, biography, self-help, instructional, etc. I believe everyone should have a reading hobby. Reading is good List of Essays on My Hobby in English Essay on My Hobby Reading Books – Essay 1 ( Words) My hobby is reading books. Reading a book is one of my favorite pass times and since I work with words for a living it is also one of my favorite work tasks

6 Long and Short Essays on My Hobby in English for Students and kids

Hobbies play an important part in our life. They keep us busy in spare hours and make life happy. They make us forget our worries and give us inspiration. They make life interesting and pleasant. They give us energy and teach us the dignity of labour.

All my hobby short paragraph in english are useful in one way or the other. But the one I like most is gardening. I have recently developed a taste for it. It is both pleasant and economical. I have always had a love for nature and have admired flowers and plants.

But I have never before felt the real my hobby short paragraph in english they afford to the human mind. It is only now that I learn what store of knowledge they have for us. Gardening gives us a lot of exercises. It teaches us to work with our own hands. It brings us into close contact with nature.

It is a pleasure to dig the earth to make flower beds and dig canals for water. All this is very interesting. This kind of physical exercise is delightful and enjoyable. Gardening teaches us the wonders of plant life. It is a source of great pleasure to watch the seeds sprout into plants with tiny and tender leaves. We learn how and when particular kinds of flowers and plants grow what conditions are necessary for hair growth what habits they have and under what favourable circumstances they can thrive.

We also learned of the diseases of plants and their remedies. In gardening, we read the very book of nature. Gardening adds to the beauty of the spot, my hobby short paragraph in english.

The barren place begins to change its looks. The plants bring forth buds which blossom into lovely flowers of different colours, my hobby short paragraph in english.

It lends a charm to the whole sight. The flowering, creepers, the green grass, and the green hedge make the place so attractive. We know that it is the fruit of earth on the label we feel the real joy of it. Gardening adds to our comfort and health. We enjoy the fresh air the cool Breeze and the pleasant shade of trees. The sweet smelling flowers make the air fragrant.

It refreshes the brain and invigorates the body. Skip to content. Essay on My Family November 12, Essay on Importance of Health February 19, Short Essay on Pigeon in English for Students and Children April 11, Land Pollution Essay in English August 7, Students and Politics Essay April 8, Indian Literature November 1, Essay on Woman in Modern Society March 14, Present Education System in India Essay March 14, APJ Abdul Kalam Essay in English July 13, Type your search.

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my hobby short paragraph in english

 · Swimming – My Hobby 8/20/ · Short Paragraph on My Hobby for Class 1 and 2 Students. words on My Hobby Paragraph in English. My hobby is to read whether it is a newspaper, news, a novel, a GK book, or an informative book written by any good writer. I always read storybooks, newspapers, magazines, and any other material that I find interesting My hobby short paragraph in english. My hobby is something which keeps me going and it adds to my verve and energy. If you develop a good hobby, it will make sure that you would have something to unwind your mind. When I go out to play cricket, in that moment  · I love my hobby reading of books. I love reading whatever I can get my hands on. Reading is a good hobby because it helps me to learn a lot of things. I read a lot of books; fiction, non-fiction, biography, self-help, instructional, etc. I believe everyone should have a reading hobby. Reading is good

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