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Phd thesis fracture mechanics

Phd thesis fracture mechanics

phd thesis fracture mechanics

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Terfas, Osama Abdulhamid Quantification of constraint in three-dimensional fracture mechanics. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, phd thesis fracture mechanics. The role of crack tip constraint in three dimensional fracture mechanics has been investigated under elastic-plastic conditions using finite element techniques. Out-of-plane constraint loss has been identified by comparing the mean stress of the three dimensional cracked body with a reference plane strain configuration.

This has allowed the quantification of constraint loss phd thesis fracture mechanics to thickness. This is important for fitness-for-service procedures where the use of standard thick deeply cracked samples inherently leads to conservative assessments.

The proximity to plane—strain conditions was investigated, as well as the J-integral along the crack fronts of typical fracture mechanics specimens. The out-of-plane effect was confirmed experimentally with a series of fracture mechanics tests on thin and thick deeply cracked fracture mechanics samples. A procedure to incorporate the effects of out-of-plane constraint in the R6 failure assessment diagram was proposed.

A procedure was developed to determine ductile crack growth of semi-elliptical surface cracks in flat plates. The procedure used the J-a resistance curve developed from phd thesis fracture mechanics high and low constraint geometries in conjunction with an analysis of the crack tip stress field using finite element modelling.

This allowed the evolution of crack shape under ductile tearing to be modelled. The majority of the work was devoted to the study of surface breaking semi-elliptical cracks subject to bending, uniaxial tension or biaxial loading. Both the mean stress and J-integral were geometry and load dependent, and were non-uniformly distributed around the crack front. Crack growth was dependent on the level of crack tip constraint, and the original crack shape was generally not retained after ductile tearing.

In bending the crack growth was suppressed in the thickness direction and the crack extended significantly sub-surface in a stable manner so that the crack adopted a boat shape. In tension the crack extended through the thickness and this was accompanied phd thesis fracture mechanics extensive growth in the angular range 45ْْ. In biaxial loading higher constraint levels were observed, however the overall trend of crack growth was similar to uniaxial tension.

Finally, the results from the finite element modelling and the crack growth procedure were verified with experimental data. Excellent agreement in the crack shape patterns was observed between the test data and the crack growth models. Skip to main content Accessibility information. Site navigation Study Research About us Student life Alumni Support us Contact.

Site tools A-Z Lists. Home Enlighten Theses. Enlighten: Theses. Quantification of constraint in three-dimensional fracture mechanics. Full text available as: Preview. Back to top. Contact us The University of Glasgow is a registered Scottish charity: Registration Number SC PDF Download 8MB Preview. three dimensional fracture mechanics, constraint, elastic-plastic conditions, phd thesis fracture mechanics, Out-of-plane effects, mean stress, fracture toughness, resistance curves, phd thesis fracture mechanics, ductile crack growth.

Lucas, Prof. Margaret and Hancock, Prof. Mr Osama Terfas.

Basic fracture mechanics

, time: 6:28

phd thesis fracture mechanics

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